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President Trump's Plan to Reopen the Government failed 50-47 not getting the 60

    President Trump

President Trump climbed down from his $5.7 billion demand for a border wall on Thursday as his proposal to reopen the government failed in the U.S. Senate. 

The president claimed that he technically 'won' the vote that failed in Cabinet Room remarks. It didn't hit a 60-vote threshold necessary to overcome a filibuster. Trump now says he would take a 'pro-rated down payment' on his border wall.

The Democratic plan to end the government shutdown got two more votes than Trump's proposal

 The president personally spoke to lawmakers about a potential agreement. A deal did not immediately emerge, but White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said that one was under negotiation. 'Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Chuck Schumer are meeting now to see whether or not they can work out of the deadlock.

 As was made clear to Senator Lindsay Graham, the 3 week CR would only work if there is a large down payment on the wall,' she said. Responding immediately, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected the 'down payment' on the House floor, saying, 'That is not a reasonable agreement.' It was not clear on Thursday night how much money that Trump was asking for as part of the down payment.

 Senior adviser Kellyanne Conway insisted that he still wanted the $5.7 billion for the wall that he's been asking for. President Trump also issued a vaguely-worded threat about next steps. He said cryptically, 'I have other alternatives, if I have to. 

And I will use those alternatives, if I have to.' CNN reported that the president was preparing to issue a proclamation declaring a national emergency. Conway told that Trump has the 'option' of issuing such a proclamation but he has not 'executed on that option' to this point.


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