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'It's rubbish!' French president Macron BLASTS Brexit saying UK's bid to leave Europe 'can't be delivered' and had 'torn society apart'

    Mr Macron added: â€˜Take the British. They voted for Brexit. There were people who, in good faith, were sometimes as angry as you are, and they said that the source of all their ills was Europe. It’s rubbish!’                    
    French President Emmanuel Macron

    French President Emmanuel Macron was speaking on Thursday evening to an audience in Bourg-de-Peage, south of Lyon, in a ‘people’s debate’ (pictured right). Rubbishing the June 2016 referendum in which a majority of the British voted to exit the EU, the head of state said: 

    ‘Be aware of people who sell you dreams, that tell you all your anger can be solved by a referendum. I’m scared of people who manipulate you with miracle ideas.’ Some in attendance were so-called Yellow Vest anti-government campaigners who themselves want France to leave the EU. Mr Macron (pictured left) told them:

     ‘Take the British. They voted for Brexit. There were people who, in good faith, were sometimes as angry as you are, and they said that the source of all their ills was Europe. It’s rubbish!’

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