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Billionaire Bill Gates Spotted in Queue at a Local Burger Shop

American billionaire, Bill Gates, was recently spotted at a local food joint waiting to buy some food .

He was pictured waiting patiently in line with his hands in his pocket and a content look on his face at the spot believed to be one of his favourite .

 The photo went viral went viral online after it was posted in a Microsoft alumni group Being the richest person in the world will make you stand out from the rest of the world in all aspects of life but apparently, Bill Gates is not letting that come in between him and his love for junk food.

 The American billionaire was recently pictured at a local burger joint in the Seattle are of the U.S. While a lot of customers were pleasantly surprised at finding such an influential person in such a regular spot, Gates seemed pretty content and okay with standing in liner and waiting for his turn to get his food. 

The casual photo of the billionaire was posted on Facebook on Tuesday by a former Microsoft employee, Mike Galos. Sharing the post to a closed Microsoft alumni group on Facebook, he wrote: "'When you're worth about $100,000,000,000, run the largest charity in the history of the world and stand in line for a burger, fries and Coke at D*ck's like the rest of us...THIS is how real rich people behave unlike the gold toilet seat wannabe poser in the White House," 

Billionaire Bill Gates spotted on queue at a local burger shop (photos)
Billionaire Bill Gates at a local burger shop/ Credit: Mike Galos 

The picture has racked up 15,000 likes and 12,000 shares. Describing the 63-year-old, billionaire, Galos had this to say: "Bill's not big on attention but is generally friendly and understands he's a bit of a celebrity...I've chatted with him at parties before but on the street or in a restaurant I don't know him well enough to go over and say hi.

The billionaire who is known for his burger-loving habit, is said to be a fan of the burger joint for several years. Speaking during an appearance at the University of Washington in 2011, he had this to say:. "I can understand wanting to have millions of dollars, there's a certain freedom, meaningful freedom, that comes with that, but once you get much beyond that, I have to tell you, it's the same hamburger. D*ck's has not raised their prices enoug.

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