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Woman dumps bleach and water on male commuters' laps to punish them for manspreading

A woman in Russia has embarked on an anti-manspreading campaign by splashing a mix of water and bleach onto offenders’ crotches.

Accusing men of “gender aggression,” 20-year-old Anna Dovgalyuk claims her native Russia has been slow to counter the problem.

Men on public transportation sitting with their legs spread wide are guilty of “a disgusting act that is being fought around the world — but hushed up here,” she said.

Dovgalyuk, who studies law, took a bold stand against manspreading in the underground train system in St. Petersburg, Russia, by reportedly splashing a mix of 30 liters of water and six liters of bleach onto the laps of men she deemed to be sitting in an offensive manner.

Anna Dovgalyuk has filmed herself splashing a combination of bleach and water on men's crotches on St Petersburg metro underground train in Russia to protest manspreading. Source: East2West/Australscope 

“This solution is 30 times more concentrated than the mixture used by housewives when doing the laundry,” she says in a video. “It eats colors in the fabric in a matter of minutes, leaving indelible stains.”

She added that people can easily spot manspreading culprits due to their “identification spots.” 
“Everyone can immediately understand which body part controls the behavior of these men,” she said.

She says her “video is ‘dedicated’ to all ‘men’ for whom manspreading is the norm of conduct” and insists that she was acting “on behalf of everyone who has to endure the manifestations of you declaring your macho qualities on public transportation.”

Calling herself a “social activist,” Dovgalyuk has previously attracted worldwide attention by flashing her underwear to commuters to raise awareness for laws in Russia regarding upskirting, a term used to describe the act of secretly photographing up someone’s skirt without their permission.

Meanwhile, Russian news outlet Rosbalt has claimed that her video is a publicity stunt featuring paid actors — a claim Doygalyuk denies.

“My action is absolutely real,” she said.
She added that no commuters had sued her so far. 

“I don’t think people are going to go to the police to file a report about jeans,” she said.
With reporting by East2West/Australscope.

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