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Abuja creche where six months old baby Michelle died, wipes out CCTV footage

A new update has emerged on the six months old girl, Michelle, who died in mysterious circumstances in a daycare at Britmax International School, Abuja.

While the school is alleging that the child suffocated, the mother believes there is more to what happened to her daughter as the CCTV footage has been wiped out.

Mrs Onoja told LIB thus:
”The case has now been transferred to the CID and they are now investigating it but I don’t know how long it will take. Right now we are demanding for the CCTV footage but there has been a lot of compromise around it. Today, I got a call from the person that installed the CCTV.
On the day this incident happened, I told the officers on duty to go and check the CCTV but i wasn’t getting any response. So personally had to send the proprietress of the school a message not to delete the CCTV since I was calling her repeatedly and even the secretary and the staff of the school, nobody was picking my call.

I resorted to sending her a message so that there will be evidence that I asked for it. I wanted the CCTV footage so that I could actually see what happened on that day in the school.

As at Wednesday March 27th, they told us they have deleted the CCTV and I have evidence showing where the proprietress said that but as of today, when they brought the installer of the CCTV, he said when he came on the 12th, he requested for a flash to put the footage in it but when he asked for payment, nobody gave him any concise answer, so he left.
Coming back a week after that day to drop the footage, he said he was surprised that all the footages from the 12th of January had been deleted. This is what he said today.
He said he now had to call his boss who instructed him to go and check the hard disk. He said normally the hard disk is supposed to contain footages atleast for three months and even if there is need to delete anything if it is filled, it would not delete recent information.
It will go way back like October, November and not January information. So he was surprised that the information had been wiped out. So this is the latest development.
The question now is who deleted the footages? They should produce the CCTV footage. This is how the school has been indicted in this. They are hiding something. Was my daughter murdered on purpose?
Because it is whatever they tell me now that I have to believe. I don’t know whether my daughter’s nose was closed. Maybe somebody murdered her because the autopsy shows suffocation which can also be by closing the nose of the child and the baby not getting oxygen. It is not only by choking.
Also the tip of her nose was red. That means there was pressure on that part of her nose. So I really do not know.
My child is not a Sickle cell as the school is claiming. I am an AA while my husband is AA so I don’t know where the story of my baby being a sickle cell is coming from. She is a very healthy baby.
The first time we went to the police station, the police officer ordered for the detention of the proprietress. When I left the station, I thought the proprietress had been detained but she made a call to a big man there and the big man came and questioned the Officer in Charge(homicide) and asked him not to detain the proprietress”.

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