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LIVE UPDATES: Atiku, Obi in live TV town hall meeting

LIVE UPDATES: Atiku, Obi in live TV town hall meeting
Peter Obi said Atiku did not build his private university in Adamawa state for money but to help education and develop Adamawa state. He said the gesture shows Atiku's passion for education.

 9:37: We have another break

 9:30: When asked if he would be bold enough to deal with any high ranking military officer as some of them have been alleged to have diverted money for officers's welfare for personal use, Atiku said he would deal with any officer no matter how high ranking they are. 

9:29: Atiku condemned military engagement with the Shiites. He said the issue never needed military intervention, that the police should rather have been invited to deal with the situation. When Atiku was told that people in his state, Adamawa, has been very poor, Atiku said he has been doing what he can. Credit: Dele Momodu Source: Twitter

 9:28: Atiku said if the reason the military has had setbacks in fighting terrorism is lack of equipment, then there need to be a review to fix the situation. 

9:27: Obi said he never deported beggars in Anambra state when he was the governor. He said he has never in his life discriminated against anybody irrespective of their status.

 9:25: Atiku said the solution to herdsman-farmers crisis is to enlighten the herdsmen on staying in a place to feed their herds rather than grazing all about. He said the problem is not only peculiar to Nigeria as America has once faced the same situation. 

9:20: We are going into another break 

9:13: Atiku said no one has been investigated by Olusegun Obasanjo more than him, and that if Obasanjo could not find him guilty of anything, then he could never be found wanting. He declared himself clean of any corruption.

 9: 12: Another asks: I've been diagnosed of skin cancer. I have no hope to get immediate care. What would you do, not just for me but for millions of others like me to make sure we get access to healthcare. Obi said he never deported beggars in Anambra state when he was the governor. He said he has never in his life discriminated against anybody irrespective of their status. Credit: Dele Momodu Source: Twitter

 9: 12: An audience asked: how will you deal with the problem of herdsmen, as a Fulani man? 

9:12: The audience are now asking their questions 

9:03: Obi said 16 years of PDP government have been far better than the APC government because the present administration has not be sincere to its promises. He said Buhari government failed in his promise to end Boko Haram in 6 months. 

9:02: When Peter Obi was faulted on his proposed private-sector driven plan to lift up the economy, he said China grew using the same plan and that it is definitely going to work in Nigeria. 

9:01: Obi said their plan to lift Nigerians out of poverty is different because their economic plan is going to be private-sector driven as that is the only plan that is obtainable in the world today.

 8: 59: Peter Obi is told that there was nothing tangible he did while in office to transform the state, other than the mundane things like building roads, which anyone with a bit of money could have done. 

8:58: When the host said if Atiku has not been successful in lifting people in his state out of poverty, how then is he to be trusted with helping the whole country, Atiku asked the host if she knew the efforts that went into the little he had done for his Adamawa?

 8:57: When Atiku was told that people in his state, Adamawa, has been very poor, Atiku said he has been doing what he can. He said report that he has not enriched his state is false.

 8:56: Atiku tells says he believes he and PeterObi are the solution to Nigeria’s problems as they have both been successful as public officials and businessmen. 

8:55: According to Atiku, he once lifted 45,000 out of poverty by approaching a micro-finance bank to empower women with loans in Adamawa state. He said the only way to lift people up from penury is to make women financially independent. 

8:54: He said to lift people out of poverty, the middle class need to be helped so that others can be lifted up 

8:53: When Atiku was faulted on the need to keep setting up commissions to fix Nigerian problems as past governments have done, he said the only place the political will to deal with Nigerian problems is, is with his proposed administration.

 8:52: Atiku: One of our major plans is to create jobs, and the greatest job creation sector in this country is the agric sector. 

8:51: Moderator asks Atiku: In specific terms, where are the plans for the poorest of the poor? 

8:47: Back to corruption, Atiku says election rigging is an act of corruption as well. He suggests the creation of an Election Fraud Commission. 

8:46: Peter Obi said there is nothing wrong with abandoning parties like he did APGA . He said if a vehicle cannot get you to your desired destination, there is no reason in switching to the one that can. 

8:45: The commentator asks Obi and Atiku what distinguishes PDP from APC. Obi says the difference is that people who are left over in PDP are clean; the corrupt ones have all run to the APC for protection. 

8:42: On the issue of crossing parties at whim where there is really no difference between PDP and APC, atiku said no one is an exception, even President Buhari who he said has four parties. 

8:41: Obi followed up on fighting corruption by saying the present government has encouraged instances where those who were found guilty of corruption were forgiven just because they switched party to APC 

8:40: When asked what he feels about the corruption charges against his wife, @atiku said he does not feel anything since she has not been charged. He said, therefore there is no way anyone can hold her accountable. 

8:39: Atiku was asked to respond on allegation in which one of his wive's was mentioned.

 8: 38: Daria suspends questions from the audience as a result of faulty microphone

 8:37: Time to take questions from the audience 

8:35: When @atiku was asked if giving corrupt people amnesty so they can bring their stolen funds back to the country, he said he subscribed to the idea so that the money can be used to develop the country.

 8:33: Atiku said he would reform the judiciary and agencies charged with checking corruption by making sure there is timely legislation as quick law making will make prosecution faster.

 8:32: Asked again how he would re-position the judiciary for public trust, Atiku said there would be time limits for investigators to do their work, for prosecution to be done, and for the judiciary to dispense justice. 

8:30: Daria is back from the break 

8:29: The session is on break 

8:24: Atiku says his quarrel with the judicial system is the delay in the passage of justice. He says, if elected, he'd liaise with NASS and the judiciary to find a way to hasten the passage of justice. 

8:16: When asked how he would reform EFCC when he becomes the president, @atiku cited the many positive things the @OfficialPDPNig led administration did when he was the vice president. 

8:15: Atiku said the only way to reduce corruption in government ministries is to automated all the processes whereby things can be done without having to see one on one with officials. 

8:13: Obi said he left office with N75billion for Anambra state as a way to prove that he did not misuse the state's fund when he was the governor of the state.

 8:14: Obi said it does not matter if his family or him had shares in the companies he invested in, he said what really is significant is that Anambra state benefited greatly from the investments he made in those companies. 

8:12: When @PeterObi was asked to clarify allegation of investing Anambra money into a beverage company, Peter Obi countered the claim and said he only bought shares to help the state.

 8: 12: When @atiku was asked on the issue of monopoly of his company when he was the vice president, he said there is a complete misinterpretation of facts and said the host's knowledge of the issue is incomplete. 

8:12: Corruption is abuse of office. Using your position to enrich yourself, friend, family 

8:11: (On Intels control of some key ports in Nigeria during Atiku’s time in the presidency) “The issue of monopoly was not there,” says @Atiku, even as @KadariaAhmed insists “that was the case”. 

8:11: Nigeria has corruption problem - Atiku 

8:11: Kadaria - People allege that you have question marks around your integrity. Do you believe Nigeria has a corruption problem. What, in your view, is corruption?

 8:10: Things are getting worse in Nigeria - Obi

 8:10: When asked why Peter Obi is supporting Atiku since he had always been against those in their 70's for running the government, he said Nigerians need someone with experience like Atiku who can bring the country together. 

8:09: "I believe I am a candidate for the future because I try to bridge the current generation with the future generation," - Atiku 

8: 09: I have more experience that others - Atiku

 8: 08: Nigerians should choose me because I am bringing more to the table - Atiku 

8: 07: The current APC administration has not performed to expectation - Atiku

 8: 07: Insecurity has spread to two other zones from only one - Atiku 

8:06: Immediately APC came in, they took us to recession - Atiku 

8:05: Atiku Abubakar speaking on why Nigerians to vote for him. He said the APC came with the promise of improve the economy, fight corruption and fight insurgency

 8:02: Citation of Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi being read by Ahmed Daria 

8:00: Daria comes on stage. Here we go. 

7.00pm: Welcome to our live coverage of the programme!

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