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Lionel Richie's son Milo 'is Arrested at London's Heathrow Airport for Possession a Bomb and attacking a Security guard'

Lionel Richie's son Milo 'is arrested at Heathrow for claiming he had a bomb in his bag'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lionel Richie's only son Miles Brockman Richie (left and right with father Lionel Richie) has landed on the wrong side of the law after claiming to be in possession of a bomb at Heathrow Airport's Terminal 5 (inset), TMZ reports. The 24-year-old is alleged to have told security at the airport on Saturday that he was in possession of a bomb before hitting a security guard.

Lionel Richie's son Miles 'Milo' Brockman Richie allegedly hit a security guard at Heathrow 

Lionel Richie's son was cautioned by police after allegedly telling airport security staff he had a bomb in his bag which he would detonate on a plane.
Miles 'Milo' Brockman Richie, 24, who is a model, also allegedly hit a security guard in the incident at London Heathrow Airport's Terminal Five on Saturday morning.
Scotland Yard officers said a man had accepted a caution for communicating false information causing a bomb hoax and battery, but did not confirm it was Richie. 
Miles 'Milo' Brockman Richie (left), 24, is the son of music legend Lionel Richie (right) 
According to witnesses, Mr Richie became irate after being denied onto a flight - and claimed he would detonate a bomb on board if he was not allowed on.
Mr Richie then allegedly punched one of the members of staff before being detained by police. He has since been released, law enforcement sources told TMZ.


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