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President Buhari sworn in for a second term by acting chief justice of Nigeria. Newly sworn in Gover of Lagos assures residents of purposeful leadership

Chewing stick Turns into 'organic toothbrush' and sold for $18

Toothbrush 8
The chewing stick is sold at $18 which is equivalent to GHC 87 

Packaging and branding is gradually making business lucrative, especially in developed countries. One will be shocked at how the prices of local products shipped abroad are skyrocketed.

You think you have an idea of this particular product I am talking about, wait till you are amazed at how a product within the reach of anyone in Ghana is now a premium priced product in overseas.

This is our good old ‘Chewing Stick’ better still ‘ dua’ marketed and sold as organic toothbrush at $18 equivalent to about a whopping GH¢87 with 30 days supply

It comes neatly packaged in a white case and has a “cutter”. It also promises to whiten the teeth. The repackaged product was made known by a Twitter user who couldn’t hide his amusement at the obvious talent.

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