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British Lawmakers Reject Brexit Deal

BRITISH LAWMAKERS ON Tuesday overwhelmingly voted against Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, throwing the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union into deeper uncertainty.
The country has a planned exit from the EU scheduled for March 29. However, this most recent vote could complicate that deadline. May's deal was rejected by a landslide vote of 432 to 202.
Prior to the vote, May made a last appeal to lawmakers in hopes of getting approval for the deal she negotiated, calling the vote "the most significant vote any of us will ever be part of."
"This is the most significant vote that any of us will ever be part of in our political careers. After all the debate, all the disagreement, all the division, the time has now come for all of us in this House to make a decision," May said. "A decision that will define our country for decades to come. A decision that will determine the future for our constituents, their children and their grandchildren. A decision that each of us will have to justify and live with for many years to come.
May warned Parliament that voting no for the deal, which was negotiated with the EU in November, would be a vote for "nothing more than uncertainty" and could run the risk of coming to no deal at all.
"We know the consequences of voting for this deal," May said, "but no one who votes against this deal will be able to tell their constituents what real willed outcome they voted for because a vote against this deal is a vote for nothing more than uncertainty, division and the very real risk of no deal."
Several amendments in the deal were voted on as well. Of four that were proposed, three were not advanced and the fourth was rejected by a vote of 600 to 24.
Shortly before the vote, the British pound fell to one of its lowest levels. Trading at 1.29 against the dollar earlier Tuesday, the pound fell to 1.27 against the dollar.


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