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I've 11 Range Rovers, 2 Benz & 4 mansions - A Ghanaian Sakawa boy Regrets

A sakawa boy has revealed how much he suffered in life despite making all the riches in life and buying all the materialistic things he ever wished for.

 According to him, though he had all that money can buy, he has not been living in peace as evil spirits keep tormenting him. On one occasion, the spirits attacked his wife and beat her so much that he had to move her from their house to one he bought at Trassaco. 

Opening up on his lifestyle in an audio making rounds on social media, the young man explained that he had joined an occult group with some friends to make ritual money.

 After making so much money, he realised that there was a time limit to his wealth and life and it was manifested in his sakawa friends dying mysteriously. 

Explaining further, he revealed that he had to seek refuge from the church when he realised his friends were dying. At the peak of his wealth, the sakawa boy claimed, he had about 11 Range Rover cars, two Benz Salvadors, two Chevrolet Camaros and a host of other posh cars he did not have much regard for. 

For houses, he stated that though he had many, it was only four that he always remembered.

 From his story, the 'sakawa' boy obviously regrets his evil ways especially for the part where he was not told of the expiration of his life and wealth. 

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