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Abubakar Shekau, the leader of Jama’atu Ahlil Sunnah Lil Da’awatu Wal Jihad, a faction of the Boko Haram terrorist group, has released two videos, the group’s embattled leader featured in one.

 In the second video, fighters are seen in a firefight with the Nigerian Army in ‘Kumshe, Borno state, last Sunday,’ said the terror group.

Abubakar Shekau appeared in combat gear in a new video, different from his wobbly appearance in white robe from his July, 2018 video.  In the latest vdeo, he stood all through the seven-minute-46-second video in full fighting gear.

“I will not say a lot, whatever you wish to say, Allah is sufficient for you,” Shekau said.

“We are a people that detached ourselves from others to wage war because of Allah, and preach because of Allah to ensure that the flag of Islam is raised, to ensure that Islam spreads, until we are no longer active. Those that said I have died, I will only die when it is my time.”

Also, for the first time, Shekau mentioned his mother who was featured in a VOA report

“Those that had whatever to say between me and my mother, Allah is the knower of all things,” he said.

“The war we waged in Kumshe, Gulumba and some of the villages in the region that you have heard of recently, were carried out by us and the victories given to us was by Allah alone, it is not by our power or weapons.” He said.

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